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Seller Resources

5 Tips to Help You Sell Your Home:

Source: By Dawn Whalen    April 1, 2024




















REMOVE THE CLUTTER Preparing to list a home is an excellent time to start decluttering and packing items that may be sentimental, seasonal, or not frequently used. Begin the process of clearing out closets, cabinets, and drawers, picking up floors, clearing off counters, and simply removing the "stuff." Decluttering helps buyers see the potential and space in the property. Cleaning up closets shows there's ample room for shoes, clothes, accessories and other items. Clearing off counters allows kitchens and bathrooms to appear larger. Small appliances should be put away when not being used.

CLEAN UP THE YARD While decluttering the inside, take some time to straighten up the exterior too. This means freshening the flower beds, trimming shrubs, adding new mulch around trees, and edging around the driveway and sidewalks. Remove any obvious debris and weeds. These simple chores can add a lot of curb appeal. Remember, the front of the house and yard are the first elements a potential buyer sees.

PERSONAL ITEMS For some buyers, seeing personal pictures and items may distract from the space. This can include family pictures, diplomas, certificates, awards, artwork, etc. While these items are important and special, the goal of listing the property is to sell it, and personal effects may sometimes hinder a buyer's ability to see the home's potential. We want the buyer to see the home as being potentially their home, instead of as the sellers space. Removing personal items showcases the home, not the seller and who lives there. Consider packing these items away and storing in boxes or a storage facility.

CLEAN, CLEAN, CLEAN Grab some cleaning supplies and old towels and prepare to wipe down every possible surface including behind the toilets, along the baseboards, above the doors, behind all the furniture, etc. Don't forget to clean the appliances too. The microwave should be free of stains and food debris, the oven and dishwasher should be clean and free of slime and burn marks, and the sink and faucet need a good wipe down. If possible, enlist the help of a professional cleaning company before the home is on the market.

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